Wednesday 6 March 2019



If you are a law graduate from any of our universities and you have been looking for a job for a while you can keep yourself busy by becoming a legal consultant.

There are so many aspects of law that ordinary people need help with and you can help them get through the maze and make very good money for yourself in the process.

I came across a television series recently. It was called BOSTON LEGAL. In it i discovered that law firms in america are run like businesses. I was impressed i am not sure how much like that it is over here but it occurred to me that lawyers can be more aggressive and entrepreneurial than they presently are here in Africa.

You can actively look for clients and try to help them with their legal issues . it could be property issues, inheritance issues or even business issues. almost everything that is in this world has legal implications.

For example you will be amazed at the number of people who are remanded in custody awaiting trial across the continent. No lawyer comes to help them out. And this is a sure market .. Looks crude and strange but it a business opportunity if i ever saw one.

Look for people who are in trouble and try to get them out. represent them . there are so many people locked up who are actually innocent .

If you are indeed called to the bar, it is part of your duty. Either way, win or lose, the lawyer always gets paid.

if you would like to know more please contact us. 

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