Friday 15 April 2022


 Entrepreneurship Quiz: Questions And Answers - ProProfs Quiz

It is not wise to spend time in prayers asking God to come and solve your problems… What you should do is to ask God to open your eyes.

The truth is that there will never be enough jobs for everybody But ironically, there are more than enough opportunities for all. In fact, for each person alive, there are many opportunities … If only you can think and believe a bit more in yourself and not some external miracle force. Everything must start with you. Once the foundation is weak… All else is in vain.

People fail … More because of the things they have been believing than any other factor. This belief shapes their attitudes and bleeds into everything else.

Every human being becomes what he or she has come to believe and accept as fact in life and living. This is true whether you accept it or not.

There are cripples who are wealthy and there are able bodied people who are failures. There are blind people who are very successful and we have billions of people who have eyes but are still unable to see opportunities around them.

There are professors who can not pay their bills. And there are semi- literate footballers who can buy a small town. The evidence is overwhelming… Success has more to do with how you think than any other condition. It has nothing to do with qualification or social status.

That is how the colonialists wanted us to think and our leaders accepted it and fed it into educational systems which have produced many of us.The most popular document in Africa is called CV. it is still a serious problem today.

There is no such thing as unemployment of people. What there is rather, is UNEMPLOYMENT OF MIND.

People do not like to think . They do not believe in themselves. They blame others for their problems just like they expect others to solve their problems. They have eloquent excuses to prove that their problem was caused by external forces.

If you can have a more positive attitude and stop being suspicious and fearful, you will see changes in your outputs and your results. Your whole life really is how you think.

It is possible that you disagree with this presentation or a part of it. That is a normal thing. I am yet to see anything created by a human being that is flawless. The point is not to focus on what you do not like or what you do not agree with, but to focus on what you can use and progress with. Progress is very important but argument about who is right or wrong is foolish.

The simple truth is that no matter what is written… Not everyone will be successful. Even if you print money and give it to everyone, there will be people who will be broke within one week.

Even if you open everybody’s head and pour wisdom into them, some people are just destined to remain stupid.

Deuteronomy 15:11 says “ For the poor shall never cease out of the land:”…. so no matter what you say or do, some people will never make it. Just try not to be among .

There is an entrepreneur in all of us. It is our original state …. It is time to unleash the greatness in you.


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