Wednesday 6 March 2019


WEB CONSULTANT.  This is not a web designer. A web consultant is a mix between an advert consultant, a PR consultant, a marketing consultant and a web designer.  your job will be to help your clients get the best possible results from using the internet.  

look at this story that i saw on

it helps to explain my story better :-
A tale of two business owners
Two competing business owners, Luther and Eileen, are looking to grow their companies with a new marketing platform on the web.  They both have the same vision in their head about how the platform should look and what results they should expect over the next few years.
Luther finds a web developer online who charges $20/hour. After explaining his vision for the platform, the developer gets to work right away with great enthusiasm. Just a few weeks later, the platform is launched and Luther is only out $2,500.
Eileen asks her friend for a referral and is recommended to speak with a web consultant. After listening to her concept, the consultant comes back with a list of ideas for alternative approaches to the platform and how it can be more readily adopted by customers. The platform project has turned into a marketing + sales tool that will take $10,000 to build. Eileen approves the project.
Two months after launch, Luther hasn’t spoken to his web developer and it ended up only generating $2,500 in sales. And when he tries to contact the developer, he’s told that they are on to new projects and can’t help maintain his system anymore.
Two months after Eileen’s launch, her beast of a sales tool is generating $10,000 in sales – monthly! She’s been able to take on additional staff members and grow her business with the revenues from the project’s success.
can you see the difference ?  becoming a web consultant is a lot more engaging and potentially more beneficial than being a web designer...

The internet is indeed an amazing revolution. It has turned the whole world into a border less community. You can now stay in Accra and do business with someone in Singapore. Just by moving your mouse, money can be transferred and goods can be shipped.

We would not have figured just 20 years ago the amount of change that has occurred. If you are very knowledgeable in the internet and its technologies, you can set up a web consultancy and help African businesses achieve strategic and synergistic rapport with the internet.

Many of our small businesses are not optimizing the potential of the internet. And  it is affecting our growth and development.

I am convinced the internet is the bridge that can help African businesses leapfrog into the future and compete effectively in the global arena.  we need experts who can help us in this area and you can train and build a business to become one of them . the long term potentials are amazing as the internet is set to explode across Africa in the coming years.

Your consultancy can source clients and charge an annual retainer-ship or on a project by project basis.

People need to know that there is more to using the internet than just having a website.

if you want to know more about becoming a web consultant  please contact us ..

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