Wednesday 6 March 2019



Public speaking is a growing career sector in Africa and we now have so many individuals who are making a very healthy living from this sector. You can do the same to if you feel confident that you have what it takes to be a good public speaker who can motivate audiences.

How To Become A Motivational Speaker 

1) Start Where You Are
2) Pick A Subject That You Want People To Know About
3) Offer Free Speeches Or Small Workshops
4) Get Paid To Speak
For those of you who would like to break into professional public speaking, start by following these 4 rules.
Start when you are. We say fish where the fish are. If there are people in your area that are interested in hearing what you have to say, then start with them. I started in America and Canada and eventually branched out into Europe and the rest of the world.
Pick something that you think is important to you. You must really care about the subject and speak from the heart. Think through the subjects that have had an inordinate impact on you. These are subjects that you would like to share with others because you really, intensely feel that others could benefit from your knowledge.
Start offering speeches on your expertise to people within your circle. Offer them at no charge. There was a basic rule, many years ago that said,
“Before you can be paid to speak you have to have given 300 free talks.”
Some people say 100 talks and some people say they have given 500 talks, but keep offering free talks on a subject that you really care about and that you’re an expert at.
Once you’ve put enough public speaking tips and techniques to use during your free speeches, you’ll be ready to level up.
Eventually, someone will enjoy your speech so much, they will ask you, “How much would you charge to give that talk to the people in my company.”
That is the starting point of your career.
As you begin your speaking career, visit schools and churches and offer to speak for free to build your image and your confidence.

As  you get more popular, you can approach popular brands to advertise at your events, you can even write your own motivational book and sell at your events.

Study and read hard.

Master your craft and you will soon be in great demand even beyond the shores of your country.

to get more information please contact us. we can also link you to mentors.

you can also check here :-

for more information. but please contact us or your mentor before launching out.

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