Sunday 8 October 2017


Why does one person succeed and another fail ?

Why is it that it seems some people will never be successful and some people always seem to enjoy success ?
Human beings by their very nature are superior to other beings on earth for the simple reason that they possess the ability to change matter and circumstance.
One man can gather pieces of metal together and create a car . Another man can gather pieces of metal too and create a gun. The same metal but different motivations. One man can decide that he wants to build a city and another can decide that he wants to rule the world. And they will all succeed.
One would expect that with such great potential, no human should be in want. But alas .. Some people are in want. Some people lack and some people do not lack. Some people are successful and some people are not successful. Some people are poor and some are rich. Why ?
There are of course different interpretations of the concepts of wealth and success.
Some people live in one room and consider themselves successful and rich. Some other people live in four rooms and still consider themselves as poor.
I know a guy who was so happy that he had just bought an “okada.” (motorcycle) I have been in attendance at a church service at which a man gave a ‘testimony ‘ about how “ God gave him a car “ the car was a “tokunbo” ( used car ) but as far as he was concerned he had really done something great. Every person has his or her own level or interpretation of what can be called success and they have a right to their opinion. 
Many things in life are a function of individual perception. There are people who assess themselves by what others are doing. If you they do not have something that others have, they do not consider themselves successful and there are people who don't care. who is to say who is right or wrong ?
Your level of thinking or awareness determines your perceptions and your judgements. So this may also affect your opinions about what is success and what is not success.
So let us agree on a simple definition:-

Success is when you are getting your own desired and expected results from your living experience and failure is when you are not.
From my own personal experience I have listed 16 things you may need to address in order to be a perpetual top performer who is successful and happy. 
I call them the I6 ACCUSATIONS OF SUCCESS. Failure to correct them may spell permanent residency in the land of the failures. Please look at each one objectively and pronounce yourself guilty where appropriate.
You do not have clear and specific goals for your life. You just live each day as it comes and catch any opportunity that presents itself. All you know is that you want to make money. But you are not clear exactly want goods or services you will give in exchange for the wealth. you don't know what you are good at and you don't know what you can be good at because you do not have clear goals for your life, you easily give up at any sign of obstacle in a venture. Living a life without a clear vision is like leaving your house without knowing where you are going.
Whoever you may be, living a life without a clear direction or just for money will make you an easy prey to indecision and illegal activity. No matter how old you are, you need a purpose and a direction for your life.
You may have lost great opportunities because you did not prepare. In fact there are some opportunities that you will not see unless you are prepared. It does not make sense to want to be a success without getting the skills that may help you to become so. Every job has a job requirement. If you are not qualified, you will never get the job. If you get it, you may not be able to sustain it. Qualification is not determined by a document, it is determined by your ability to perform. If you are working somewhere now, do your very best there. That is the preparation for the next level.
Your bad habits are the wall between you and your progress. check yourself, if you are sincere, your habits will scream at you like red paint on a white wall. They creep up on you and you don’t really notice that this is one of the reasons why you are not doing well. A bad habit can only be replaced by a good one.
You want to make it now. You don’t want to go through the process. Even God took time to make the world by many of our youth today need results today. There is nothing in nature that does not take time to mature. If it happens instantly, then it is not natural and will soon come back to worry you.
Procrastination is one of the biggest enemies of personal development in the whole world. In some cases, it is born out of fear which in itself is born out of low self esteem which in itself is born out of lack of proper information which can only come through awareness. In other cases, you are just lazy and foolish. Time is the only thing you can not get back if you lose it. So don’t waste it. Great destines have been wasted through procrastination.
This is either due to laziness or arrogance. Both are forms of madness in psychiatry . The most popular madness is the one many of us don’t know we suffer from. The dislike for learning can only be madness because it is the only channel of growth. You want the result but you hate the process. And you cover your dislike of learning with eloquent excuses. The end result is still failure.
There is a difference between what you NEED and what you WANT But you don’t really know this . So your pocket will never fill up enough to make impact in your life. You empty it at every opportunity to collect useless things. If you look at all the things you have bought recently, how many are needs and how many are wants ? It is not very easy but you need to get a strong grip on your spending pattern. If you do not, then there is no other effort that will yield positive results.
You have no focus. You follow your friends and do what you see them doing. You don’t really know what you want apart from just money. So you get involved in business you don’t really know or have a natural interest in. This makes it difficult to sustain growth especially in times of crisis which is inevitable in any venture. In some cases you are not just into things you are not an expert in, you are involved in MANY things you don’t really know about. Your name is now jack. Jack of all trades and master of none.
Fear is the most popular prison in the world that many do not know they are trapped in. Many people have been in the hold of fear most of their lives and never realised. It leads to procrastination.
Fear is the reason why many do not take risks. You fear what people will say. You fear to be embarrassed. You fear to succeed, you fear to stay in the comfort zone because it feels safe. But that is not the case. The comfort zone is the most dangerous place in the world and it is very risky not to take a risk. Every human being is gifted. Fear is what keeps your gift from coming out to benefit the world and making you rich.
You can not tell exactly what you do with the money that you get. Money is coming in but growth is not happening . It seems as if every year, you are starting afresh. Why ? Pay attention to cash flow. It is the life blood of all things good in the physical realm. Without money you are just a dreamer or a storyteller. There are so many small things we buy with money that we do not really need. If you calculate at the end of the year how much this adds up to, you may be shocked. You may want to slap yourself. Can you estimate how much you have spent on communication since the day you started using mobile phone ? I have been spending an average of 3000 a month for the last ten years on recharge cards. Just work that out ! And how many of the calls were really productive ? It is not easy to track all this but it is important to have a clear ideas of your cash flow if you don’t want to be a permanent debtor.
You feel too big to do some things. Your pride makes it difficult to reason with you. The ego is the fence between your greatness and the present problems you have. Become humble and be a star ! You can only come from the bottom to the top. If you already act as if you are on top, then where do you want to go from there ? You need to look beyond your ego and do what needs to be done to succeed. Do not worry about who can see you . One person i really respect is a man called Otunba Ghaddafi in Lagos Nigeria.
He was a former bodyguard who turned to sewage collection. His slogan is “ shit business is good business”. He now provides mobile toilet to over 80% of public events in Nigeria. He is very wealthy now from “shit” money. We can learn from that.
You were foolish enough to put all your eggs in one basket and when the basket was taken away you now have nothing. If you put all your eggs in one basket, it means you have to do everything to protect the basket. What has now happened is that you have now become a prisoner of the basket. Please try and understand my point. Some people will misunderstand ans say that it it better to focus on one thing and not do many things at the same time… Let me explain. Look at a mango tree. A mango tree is focused on one thing. That is being a mango tree. It does not try to diversify and decide to grow oranges on one side and bananas on another side just in case the demand for mangoes falls. No the tree does not do this it is focused on growing mangoes.. But observe something … It has many branches and it has many mangoes. It has even planned to drop some mangoes that will grow and become new mango trees in case something happens to it. It has not lost focus but it is still able to diversify.
Many people who are working fall into this category. They are not happy but they are locked in by fear, doubt and lack of what to do. Many people are just working for the money. Although i understand the logic, i do not see it as the best way to live a life that has no duplicate. You just have to enjoy your work. Your life springs from there. Make this your ultimate goal even if it is not the case now. There must be something about your present work that you can enjoy. The most tragic thing is to be self employed and still not enjoy your work.
You like to do what people are doing. And you love to be counted among the relevant circles. You willingly sacrifice your individuality just to be accepted by the majority. You love to be popular even if you are not really happy. The spirit of social blending will keep you from being truly creative. You may never create again. Of your own free will, you have decided not to be outstanding. You may be worth millions now but your true destiny may be in billions if you had pursued it. You may be like the fool who reached the top of a tree that is at he base of a mountain. In order to climb the mountain which is the superior height, he will have to climb down from the tree first. That is humility.
Purpose is the only way to navigate the maze that the modern world has become. If you are not clear about your purpose, you need to pray and think hard. This is very important indeed. No single human being is an accident. Because no two human beings are the same. Every single one of us id different and unique. There must be a reason for this. And you need to find it. Even a blind man can have a vision. That is purpose. Bishop TD Jakes said “ if you can not find your purpose, then find your passion because your passion will lead you right into your purpose” i really agree.
You are filled with dogma and religion. You have never missed church but you still feel unfulfilled. You pray everyday but you know that something is still missing. God is not in any church. God is in the spirit and you have to meet God in spirit and in truth. Because we are not truly spiritual and because we do not really face, live or tell the truth, it becomes a problem. You follow God more because of what you want. Do not God to God because of things. Rather , go to God BECAUSE of God. That is the starting point of all your solution. The very first thing is God. Then all things will just come. But we don’t do this do we ? We are just too smart for our own good. It is important for you to know that without faith, it is impossible to please God and if you are not pleasing God, what are you doing ?
That is it ! Those are the 16 “ accusations “ directed at you… Lol. How many are you guilty of ? Everything in the earth works by laws. The strongest law is the law of seed time and harvest. Other philosophies call it karma. It is spelt out in genesis 8:22 . And the duration of the law is clear . The law will be in force as long as “the earth remaineth “ go and read the section of the bible. .
Every single action we take is a form of sowing and every single experience is a form of reaping. The law is unbreakable. All you need to do if you want to change your experience is to change your actions.
Good luck !

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