Sunday 8 October 2017


military or paramilitary operations conducted in enemy-held territory by irregular forces, often groups indigenous to that territory who know the area very well and have advantage over a bigger force which is not very familiar with the area. 
Lacking the numerical strength and weapons to oppose a regular army in the field, guerrillas avoid direct confrontations in battles. Instead, they operate from bases established in remote and inaccessible terrain, such as forests, mountains, and jungles, and depend on the support of the local inhabitants for recruits, food, shelter, and information. this is how a small army can defeat a bigger and more equipped army in war.

you can use the same tactics to grow your small business using minimal resources with great creativity and superior familiarity with terrain to become successful. 
( if you do not have the amount of money or connections of your competition, you must employ creativity and innovation if you are to survive in the tough business environment )
The tactics of guerrillas are those of harassment. Striking swiftly and unexpectedly, they raid enemy supply depots and installations, ambush patrols and supply convoys, and cut communication lines, hoping thereby to disrupt enemy activities and to capture equipment and supplies for their own use. Because of their mobility, the dispersal of their forces into small groups, and their ability to disappear among the civilian population, guerrillas are extremely difficult to capture.

( because of your unorthodox tactics, it will be difficult for your competition to defeat you. We are not saying you should sabotage your competition or blow up their ware houses and delivery vans or illegal things like that , the guerrilla mind set for small businesses encourages the increased use of creative thinking and aggressive innovation when trying to gain market share in a highly competitive operating environment. The more creative you are, the less you will spend and the more unique your brand will be )
The term guerrilla (Spanish, “little war”) originated in the early 19th century during the Peninsular War when, after the defeat of Spain’s regular forces, Spanish irregulars and civilians rose up against the French occupying forces.
(Everywhere you hear the word guerrilla, you will see that it has to do with a smaller party trying to defeat a bigger better equipped party. In many cases the guerrillas attain victory. sometimes they lose but without doubt ,in all cases, they seriously hamper the progress of the competition and gain local popularity 
( market share ) You can do the same with your brand. No matter how small you are, with creativity, you can compete with bigger brands in competitive environments. )
The practise of guerrilla warfare, however, dates from antiquity; for example, the Bible tells of the Israelite conquest of Canaan, led by Joshua, involving harassment and ambush of the enemy. Later Jewish resistance to foreign rule was expressed in the series of fierce guerrilla operations against the Romans in the 1st century ad; led by the Zealot sect, this revolt was climaxed by the seizure of Masada and the massacre of the Roman garrison there in ad 66.
A guerrilla is one who is fighting against an adversary which has superior resources at his disposal. you can use guerrilla tactics to grow your small business. 
In the last elections in Nigeria the opposition party APC was able to seriously defeat the incumbent party which had superior resources of government largely because of many unspoken very quiet guerrilla tactics especially on the social networks and the Internet. FOR THE FIRST TIME IN NIGERIA'S HISTORY , A SITTING PRESIDENT WAS REMOVED..
If the guerrilla was to employ conventional means of opposition, he would be wiped out very quickly. So the guerrilla uses creativity to compensate for what he lacks in terms of resources.
Today's small business person needs to know and embrace these tactics so as to survive and indeed thrive in our tough business environment. We call this paradigm “ the guerrilla mindset “.
This is the mindset that Michael dell employed when starting out with his computer company. It helped the company grow at an astronomical rate until he was able to draw the attention of big financiers who helped to position him for an IPO which launched him into the big league.. The rest is history – dell computers is the fastest growing computer company in history. Moving from a dormitory room in a university to become a peer of big players like IBM and COMPAQ in less than ten years. Micheal Dell himself is one of the richest people in the world today by virtue of his shareholdings in the company that he founded. 

This is what a guerrilla mindset can do for you.
I don’t see why your small business cannot one day become a big public limited company (plc) that grows globally...  That is the next level for today's small business. The catch is to position yourself through discipline and creativity so that you attract forces or circumstances that bring growth. If you do not embrace innovation, you will experience relegation.

send me an e mail if you will be interested in getting my upcoming GUERRILLA MINDSET FOR SMALL BUSINESS E BOOK. 

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