Sunday 8 October 2017


If you bury a pebble…

it will obey the law of gravity and stay in the ground. It may even sink deeper with time.
But if you bury a seed … It obeys a different law and grows out of the ground… Against the pull of gravity.
If you look at the pebble and you look at the seed… you will see that they are somewhat alike to the naked eye. so what makes them move in opposite directions ?

What makes them different is what is inside them. What is inside the pebble is not what is inside the seed. That is why a pebble is called a pebble and a seed is called a seed.
People are the same. We all look similar but have different content. Some people are like the seed and some are like the pebble. Some people remain the same without changing or growing. They simply get born, live like every other person, attend weddings , pay bills, grow old and die. And get buried like the pebble they resemble.
Another set are bent on expressing God given potentials to affect lives and add value. They want constant renewal and development. They deploy and maximise talent . It is from this set that the rest of the world is watered. It is from here that true wealth is created.
The interesting thing is that all people regardless of their heritage or background can choose which to be … The pebble or the seed. In fact the whether we see it or not, we are by our daily actions choosing sides. Every person was born a seed. But over time many will turn to pebbles.
Every single person is either growing or diminishing. we must make a conscious choice to grow. with each waking moment of our life , you are either contributing or collecting. Adding or subtracting.
It is all a matter of choice… are you a pebble or are you a seed?

Are you growing or are you diminishing ?

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