Tuesday 9 October 2018


This is one of the easiest businesses you can start if you are interested in making money from publishing for younger children ...which by the way is a massive growth sector because they always need new books and there are so many schools and new children are being born every day ...

Just draw alphabets and popular shapes and popular animals, and design a coluring book for sale in nursery schools around the country. This is not a new idea so you really have to be aggressive and also very good to establish your brand in the market, the market is very large and you have a unique opportunity to build an educational publishing brand if you are able to build on the success i know you are going to achieve if you are not lazy.

You too can build your own brand in the childrens books industry. Go online and learn all you can. Never stop improving. Get your marketing strategy right. contact us if you need advise or information.. 

it is very simple ... go online and do as much research as possible. you may even get images from the internet for your colouring book. 

what will make you successful is your own creativity and marketing energy . 

also, if you are able to create a unique selling proposition, then you can stand out in the market .. for example, in africa what i notice is that the colouring books in nursery schools are imported. 

this mesans that the images that these children are colouring are foreign images to their own culture... 

i remember when i was in school too .. i was given a colouring book and there was a snowman in it.. there are no snowmen in africa and it was not until i grew older and travelled out of my country that i understood what i saw in school so many years ago...

if you can design a colouring book with african images and things that the child is more familier with, then you can be unique in the matrket... this will help you get more clients...

you can also do alphabets and also numbers... for children to colour... you can arrange them in stages too ... one stage more difficult than the other... 

in order to market, you can go to private schools and convince the school to introduce it to their students... in this way you can sell a lot from one single sale ...

if your drawings are educationally relevant, you can convince the school to buy from you every new academic session.... that means you have sure sales every year...

if you can get just 100 schools to order 100 copies each , thats a good volume of sales that is guaranteed for you... and you have to keep expanding and getting more schools... it is very possible to get thousand of schools buying from you within a few years in business if you have good products and also a very effective marketing and brand startegy

it is your marketing that will determine everything ... its not hard at all if you are not lazy and you are creative..

just make the books educationally relevant and you will keep doing well.. you will need to become familiar with the syallbus or curricullum for this age of education to get the right colouring books for them

go online to find out more or contact us if you want more advise...

good luck

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