Tuesday 9 October 2018


Tropical and marine aquaria are big business. if you can learn to make them and sell them, you will make a great deal of money and build a million dollar business.... 

not just from making and selling aquarium, but also maintaining them and selling fish and other accessories for it ... you can also set up a training school to teach people the business 

They are decorative and they are very pleasant to look at. They are also very therapeutic and very relaxing. 

So why do we have more of DSTV in homes , hospitals and office receptions ? you may say because TV is important but i feel it is because DSTV markets more aggressively. 

You can do the same too. If you know how to build aquariums ( we can can arrange to teach you if you don't ) all you need is an effective marketing plan.

You could be in hundreds of homes and offices before the end of the year. In other parts of the world, Thousands of businesses include tropical and marine fish in their decor to amuse clients as they wait their turn for services and appointments like in doctor's offices, hospitals, airports , restaurants and banking halls. 

The potential here is huge. aquarium business used to be quite popular but over the years has just faded away.... i think this is more because of poor business building skills than anything else....

aggressive and efficient marketing especially of a good product can never miss the mark.... most people in the industry did not do marketing to keep the business alive..

you can change all that by building a unique aquarium business that really takes the whole market...

there are so few players out there..... if you start now you could take control of a huge billion dollar business... we can help and guide you ....

... you can build and install aquarium in schools, hotels, hospitals, homes, receptions for offices  etc.... the market is so vast if only you can organize yourself properly and establish a high quality aquarium company...


This is one of the easiest businesses you can start if you are interested in making money from publishing for younger children ...which by the way is a massive growth sector because they always need new books and there are so many schools and new children are being born every day ...

Just draw alphabets and popular shapes and popular animals, and design a coluring book for sale in nursery schools around the country. This is not a new idea so you really have to be aggressive and also very good to establish your brand in the market, the market is very large and you have a unique opportunity to build an educational publishing brand if you are able to build on the success i know you are going to achieve if you are not lazy.

You too can build your own brand in the childrens books industry. Go online and learn all you can. Never stop improving. Get your marketing strategy right. contact us if you need advise or information.. 

it is very simple ... go online and do as much research as possible. you may even get images from the internet for your colouring book. 

what will make you successful is your own creativity and marketing energy . 

also, if you are able to create a unique selling proposition, then you can stand out in the market .. for example, in africa what i notice is that the colouring books in nursery schools are imported. 

this mesans that the images that these children are colouring are foreign images to their own culture... 

i remember when i was in school too .. i was given a colouring book and there was a snowman in it.. there are no snowmen in africa and it was not until i grew older and travelled out of my country that i understood what i saw in school so many years ago...

if you can design a colouring book with african images and things that the child is more familier with, then you can be unique in the matrket... this will help you get more clients...

you can also do alphabets and also numbers... for children to colour... you can arrange them in stages too ... one stage more difficult than the other... 

in order to market, you can go to private schools and convince the school to introduce it to their students... in this way you can sell a lot from one single sale ...

if your drawings are educationally relevant, you can convince the school to buy from you every new academic session.... that means you have sure sales every year...

if you can get just 100 schools to order 100 copies each , thats a good volume of sales that is guaranteed for you... and you have to keep expanding and getting more schools... it is very possible to get thousand of schools buying from you within a few years in business if you have good products and also a very effective marketing and brand startegy

it is your marketing that will determine everything ... its not hard at all if you are not lazy and you are creative..

just make the books educationally relevant and you will keep doing well.. you will need to become familiar with the syallbus or curricullum for this age of education to get the right colouring books for them

go online to find out more or contact us if you want more advise...

good luck


Dreaming of running a successful business seems great. But actually doing it is a totally different ball game. when you think of all those big names like Bill Gates etc.. .. and you read about how they started in garages or dormitories ... just like where you are in life now ... its hard to reconcile the great success they have had with such humble beginnings....

but that is the simple truth... every single great entrepreneure you know started just like you... with one small idea which has grown to become a billion dollar dream ..... i am convinced that anyone who follows the same path will arrive at the same destination....

So how do you take a new business idea and convert it into a business which employs many people and is very successful having many clients all over the world.. ?

There is not single source for all the answers, but here are a few points from experience that may be of help to you .

Notice I did not just say plan... Its not every plan that works ... I am sure you know that. In fact, some plans are actually the reason why the business failed ... Lol... So do not just plan, make a good plan....You know you need a business plan but more than that, you need a realistic plan that has a good chance of working. When you make a plan , please be very realistic. This is real life. Do not assume you will sell a million copies in just two days ... Yes it is possible but you know such things do not just happen.. Please make a plan that is conservative and realistic.. So that as you move ahead, you can adjust and adapt to any changes you see in the market place and grow your business until it is stable and strong.  You business plan is very essential indeed. And i am saying here that you should be very realistic in your assumptions and expectations...

The most important part of your business plan is your SWOT analysis. This is where you identify the STRENGTHS, WEAKNESSES, OPPORTUNITIES, and THREATS of the business you are about to start.

The SWOT analysis is very important as you plan your business. Run one on your business, on yourself, on your business partners, and on your competition. If you do not have a swot analysis, you may not be able tyo get a good pictures of your weaknesses... This could be dangerous for the business as you move along.... Without the swot, you may also not know what you are really good at so that you can emphasize it...

Again two words working together.... Move and ... Quickly..... That means you have to move and also it tells you the kind of movement that will work best for you in this competitive environment..  Action is the solution to almost every problem... There is no room in the realms of success for lazy people or people who procrastinate... You must avoid these two and move... Whatever plan you make, it is useless if you do not back it with a clear set of actions.... Perpetual and purposeful persistent action... Once you lay out your plans, I will advise you give a time line ... A deadline for each item in your plan.. This will motivate you to work and work fast... Make sure you move quickly to implement your plans.

What is it that will make you different in the marketplace ? How will you stand out in the market ? This is your Unique Selling Proposition, or U.S.P.  It will be the driving force behind your marketing campaign. You must also know what makes your competitors stand out too so that you can be more effective in managing your own USP.  many people may not be able to identify the USP... But its important that you are able to see what it is about that your idea that is unique..

What makes you unique does not have to be something bog or dramatic. So don't give yourself a headache looking for USP... There must however be something that you have that possibly the other competitors do not have.. For example, you may be the only one offering home delivery in your area... It may even be that you are the only one who has a website in your area that people can order from... Just think.. There should be a USP that makes you different that the customer can appreciate... For example, one of our members who is into dry cleaning and laundry business has decide to offer free home delivery for orders higher than a certain amount of money.. That is a good example of a USP... What will you offer your clients that they will find unique and also appreciate.. ?

You’ve identified what makes you unique... The next question now is .... How do you begin marketing your product or service ?? . Now you to have to let people know about it and convince them to buy..  Marketing is not as easy as it seems and its when you get to the market place that you will see this ..... Its one thing to design a product or service,,, its another to get people to pay for it by letting them know about it  ..

You need to take your USP and market to your potential customers.. That will be your main marketing line.. That will be the first thing they think about when they think of your business. That will be what will drive them to buy from you rather than fro other competitors....  Do not make them think. Make your USP the most readily available piece of information to your customers. If you do that, the details of your marketing plan don’t matter as much. Since the thing that makes you better than your competition is now wildly obvious. For example using the laundry guy idea.. You can say FREE DELIVERY !!! Very boldly in your advert or posters or leaflets...

Do not be afraid of this aspect. It is true that money is the main challenge when you are doing business in Africa.. But I have found that if you are creative, you can figure out ways to really reduce your expenses...the only advice I will give is that you should try to make sure you put as much as possible into your marketing because that's where the income will come from when people begin to buy...  As a member of the G300 you will certainly have some small money to push your business from our donation system.. But you have to be very careful how you deploy these limited funds... Money can be very hard to manage.. That is why you need a plan and why you need to be very disciplined and STICK TO YOUR PLAN ...

Time is the one asset that you must not joke with.... Time is your most valuable friend .... You must never waste time... One you lose the day, you can never get that day back again till the end of time..  The opportunity in that space of time is gone forever... Please stop dreaming and start moving ... It is better to move even with a weak plan than to sit back and dream with a great plan ... Constant persistent progressive action is the ons secret of all success. Don't forget that .... Plan very well and then move and keep moving .... When you make mistakes which you will ,,, just change your strategy  and keep moving on ... As i have said before ,, the real secret is ACTION.... LOTS OF IT.

Good luck.. And please do not hesitate to send an e mail if you have any questions.