Monday 16 October 2017

You don’t need a lot of money to start a small business.

You don’t need a lot of money to start a small business. The impression that many of us have is that without a lot of money as up-front capital, it will be impossible to start a reasonable business that can grow and make you very successful. Well this is largely a myth. We can prove that while capital is important, it is not the most important thing in starting a new and successful business. 

The first thing is  

THE PERSON involved and the second thing is 
THE IDEA... Then comes ....
THE ENVIRONMENT and only after that does... 
THE MONEY comes into play. 

So you can see that even if you have plenty of money and you are not a good business person it could still all fail. You can also see that if you have money and have no idea or execute in the wrong environment, it could still all fail too. for example, a friend of mine came to Nigeria from Ghana. she decided to go into tilapia farming . she had a huge farm in Ghana and she felt that with Nigerians huge population, the business would be even more profitable here in Nigeria. on paper, everything looked great. she invested over $50,000. as initial seed capital to set up the farm, and at the onset everything was going fantastic. sales were even better than what she had projected. then slowly one hard reality that was not really anticipated began to be a real problem ....  NEPA ! problem in Nigeria. while Ghana had constant power, Nigeria did not. and tilapia, unlike catfish can not survive at all outside water. this means that as soon as you harvest tilapia out of the water, you have to put it in ice or in the freezer or it will begin to decay. and to get ice, she needed power. to get power she needed generator which consumed diesel. and the diesel cost is what eventually caused her to stop the tilapia farm and go back to catfish. this is the effect that environment can have on a business. and indeed .. i fully agree that Nigeria is indeed a very tough environment to do business. but if you structure your plan well, it is also probably the most profitable place to do business too. yes i agree too that money is important but it is not everything. We will show you here in G300 businesses you can start without any money invested whatsoever.

Only a serious mind and attitude are key.

there are businesses you can start  Part-time, anytime in this tumbling economy and insulate yourself from the harsh economy. 

Many people don’t have the inclination to take the plunge on a full-time basis. Part-time shoestring start-ups could also be the answer. Get the venture going on a part-time basis and determine if you like running your own business. 

If you do find that the life of a small business owner suits you, then prepare to gear up your business for full-time success. In a short time you could be talking great revenues.

To be an entrepreneur, you need to develop a knack for knowing what niche needs filling. this is so important. look at the niche that google filled. look at the niche that whatsapp has filled. both businesses are today worth billions in dollars. i have no doubt that YOU TOO CAN DO IT. 

Take a look at your community. just calm down and look closely.... Is there a business that needs to be started? Is there something that you feel should exist that does not ? Is there something that you think you are good at which you feel confident people will appreciate ?  

Every great business started in this way. Even the great religions of the world started like this.... Something is lacking ... Find a way to provide it.  That's entrepreneurship.

If you already have a job or you are still in school, you can test the waters with a small start-up without leaving the comfort and security of a steady salary and perhaps even nice insurance and pension benefits. These things are also very important. 

send us an e mail at or to learn about other business opportunities and low-cost franchise ideas. You will also find tips and suggestions on how to find the business that is just perfect for you. 

As I have always stated, there will never be enough jobs, but there will always be more than enough opportunities. This is a simple fact.

Conduct your own due diligence research. You might find that there is already a business that caters to your proposed market. Analyze the existing business. Could you do the task faster? Cheaper? Better? If after careful analysis, the answer is “yes,” then you should prepare to take on the competition.

As I have said before, there are so many business ideas you can start with little or no money as long as you are serious and willing to give commitment and discipline. every single one of the ideas we offer is free of charge and very feasible and needs just the faith and dynamism of a determined mind. 

You can never succeed if you do not first believe. 

WARNING ! Success and ego can never mix. Every single successful entrepreneur has succeeded because he or she has been willing to do whatever is necessary to make the venture a success. bill gates and his partner paul allen started in a garage. micheal dell started in his dorm room and ggogle did not even have an office in the early days... they held meetings in fast food restaurants... One problem we have in Africa is our ego. Some of us feel “ too big “ to get involved in a particular type of business. for example, the business of refuse collection.. or if you are running an internet business, nothing stops yu from going to a cafe for a few hours every day to run your online business until you can affort better infrastructure. START WHERE YOU ARE WITH WHAT YOU HAVE. 

If you feel too big for something it means you have a small mind. You can not see far. What did they say about little drops of water ..... ? they make the mighty ocean.. so start with the little drops. 

Things are really changing these days and I am happy to note that...... 

I know a lawyer and at least one ex banker who are very successful catfish farmers today. with the increasing cost challenegs in catfish farming, they have diversified into drying the fish to sell to consumers or supermarkets, and also growing watermelon beside the ponds... its all about faith and discipline... 

REAL ENTREPRENEURS will pull up their trousers and roll up their sleeves to get the job done because that's what it will take if they really want to succeed and if you are in nigeria and you are serious..... YOU WILL SUCCEED. 

There was a general in the bible called naaman he had to do what he felt was shameful to him in order to get his problem solved. go and read that story.. 


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