Wednesday 18 October 2017



You know the song… 

People battle everyday with the problem of money. It seems we never have enough to meet our needs . Sometimes you get a lot of money at a time and within a short time ,the money is gone and you are sitting wondering what you spent it on.
In fact, if you think about all the money that has passed through your hands in recent times that you cannot really account for, you may want to harm yourself. Especially when you have an important need and you do not have the money to meet the need. Sometimes you sit down and feel like breaking your head against the wall.
Every time you commit yourself to change and say you will do better with money , the process repeats itself.. as a typical nigerian,You begin to suspect a spiritual alien power at work against your pocket. In order to remedy the tide of events,you become a “prayer warrior “ ( whatever that means ) . You spend hours, nights and days in prayer and supplication often denying yourself of food and water.
You keep this up for days and months even years. Because the results do not come in time , you become secretive,suspecting everyone around you. Your spiritual guide ( prophet ,pastor , imam ) has confirmed that someone is at work to keep your purse empty. probably a close family member who does not want you to succeed....
The occasional cash windfall comes and you gleefully testify in church before a crowd to justify your lean – fasting – induced appearance. In the process , more are “touched “ to afflict themselves also with starvation and thirst in the hope of getting their own “miracle “.
After some time , the “miracle” tapers off and you are broke again. Thank God ! No one remembers you are that brother or sister who gave the windfall testimony some weeks back . You have nothing for the offering basket today .
You begin to succumb to tugs of frustration on your heart . Doubt begins to corrupt your soul and you wonder if God is really interested in your case .
The rousing sermons no longer resonate inspiration in your heart although you do not reflect this on your face… Your “ faith “ is failing because after all has been said ( and prayed ) and done, … You are STILL broke … And if the truth be told …the feeling stinks . Lacking money really sucks ! I agree .
Like the prophets of Baal in that wonderful story in 1kings 18 (really worth reading ), many are crying in the wrong direction. No matter how we afflict ourselves and engage in theatrics without actually doing the real creative and productive things that produce value and translate to wealth.... the only thing we will get is more pain , more hunger and more lack. 

And this will lead to the destruction of every other good thing in your life. Your relationships with others and yourself. You become a circumstantial hermit because you think you have tried every possible thing to turn your tide . The fundamental error is that you are looking everywhere for the solution except within yourself. 

inside you is the cause of the problem and inside you is the solution too.. the sooner you realise this, the better for you ...
The other chap at the contest on the mount was called Elijah he came alone.. BUT he came prepared . He put some things in place BEFORE he opened his mouth . The rest is history.
Money only answers to PLANNING AND MANAGEMENT. 

All else is sinking sand. Regardless of the drama you deploy or the prayers and fasting and mountains you climb and desserts and valleys you visit............... 

No matter how many witches or wizards you cast out, no matter how many times you fast and pray, until you lay out a good plan and work it persistently, you will remain in frustration and failure.

this is africas greatest problem... 
It is better you take the time to plan well. Make clear decisions. Avoid toxic relationships… Take massive and focused consistent action. 

Keep adjusting and moving forward. Do not be sentimental or dogmatic. Work with good information… Keep working … keep a positive and proactive attitude, Your circumstances will improve.

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